Er zit meer in een liedje dan je denkt
Anyone who has been following Youth Choir Timbre for a while knows that we organize several concerts, choir weekends, camps and/or trips abroad every year. Apart from the enthusiasm and commitment of our members, this involves a lot: think about outfits, décor, light and sound, scores, renting rehearsal rooms... All these components together make up a beautiful end result, but of course this also has a price tag. Therefore, any kind of support is most welcome: whether you can offer an extra pair of helping hands, make a financial contribution, or help directly - you can make a difference!

Would you like to support our choir - once only? With your donation, you give us the opportunity to realize our projects and keep our activities accessible to our members. Every donation, big or small, makes a difference to the organization of our annual choir work.
You can transfer your donation to BE23 3632 0722 6291 stating ‘gift’ or contact us at jeugdkoortimbre@gmail.com if you wish to support us in another way.
Thank you in advance for your support!
As a sponsor, you give us the opportunity to dream bigger and take on new challenges. Your support not only helps us to expand our annual choir operation, but also to realize ambitious projects such as musicals, concerts and choir tours that give our choir members the opportunity to grow and develop their talents.
By becoming a sponsor, you support one of Pelt's largest youth choirs. By doing so, you not only make our operation and concerts possible, but also give oxygen to the cultural and association life within our municipality. And that should be seen.
Are you interested in sponsoring us? Then contact us at jeugdkoortimbre@gmail.com for more information about our sponsorship packages.

Are you already a loyal fan of Youth Choir Timbre, have you supported us with a donation or is your company already a sponsor, but still want to do more? Then, we have good news: you can also support us through Trooper!
When you surf via Trooper to a webshop of your choice, the webshop automatically knows that you support us. Youth Choir Timbre will then receive a percentage of your purchase! It doesn't get any easier than that, does it? Quickly click on this link and start shopping!